- NG3K Provided Resources
- Packet Cluster Resources
- Call Books & QSL Info
- Links to DX Tools
- 熊猫加速器安卓官网
- DX-related Software
- Links to Other DX Related Sites
- Other Miscellaneous Resources
- Announced DX Operations
(About ADXO)
Now with links to the DX Watch
spot database for active operations!
- Contest Operations, Calendars, and Resources
Check here for contest announced
operations tables.
- Previous Contest Operations (1996+)
- DXCC Entity Tables + Information
Aug 12, 2012
- Current Callsign Information for the former USSR Republics
Mar 9, 2004
- ARRL DX Bulletins (Archive)
- DX News Letters (Archive)
(Search DXNL)
- Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletins
- ARRL Propagation Forecast (Archive)
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January 10, 1999 (Final Bulletin)
- United States County List
Feb04, 2003
- N4KG on SR/SS Enhancement and Grayline
- NG3K Reciprocal Links
Reverse Beacon Network
real-time spots from broadbanded receivers worldwide.
加速器下载_加速器手机版_最新加速器安卓版下载:2021-9-2 · 加速器下载介绍 加速小工具让您的手机更加便于使用。 对于初次接触的用户而言,手机系统中的许多程序让人无所适从,有了这款软件,您就能轻松地管理您的手机,无论是添加删除还是关闭后台都变得简单,一键即可。, N4ZR's
short history
of the reverse beacon network,
and info on
are viewable also.
Hearty thanks go to VE3NEA, N4ZR, F5VIH, and PY1NB
Telnet Access to DX Packets Clusters
Jul 6, 2024
From AD1C, offers extensive packetcluster information
including a Telnet Directory
PY1NB's remarkable 2nd generation DX spotting application
that integrates data from packet cluster, qrz.com, and 425DXN
K3LR's Using AR-Cluster Version 6
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(version v1.50) User Manual (Tnx G0VGS)
免费全球节点加速器 (OH8X)
DX Heat
DXScape (Tnx JA4PXC)

Web-based DX Cluster with
live links to DX Web pages; auto-updates every two minutes; many options
IRC #CQDX Chat Channel (Tnx Doug, N6RT)
Call Books
(Australian Communications Authority)
(Bundesministerium fur Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie)
Bulgaria (LZ1KSN)
Czech Republic
January 2024
Egypt (SU1ER)
(REF Union)
Poland (Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow)
Slovakia (OM2ADP)
South Africa (SARL)
Turkey (TA3AK)
United States
QSL Info
QSL Routes from [苹果旋风加速器app下载][1998][1999][2000][2001][2002][2003][2004]
German DX News Letters (via NG3K)
ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau System
ARRL Logbook of the World
A repository of log records submitted by users from
around the world; when both participants in a QSO submit matching QSO records to LoTW,
the QSO can be used for ARRL award credit
ARRL Outgoing QSL Service
IK3QAR QSL Manager Lookup
K4UTE Quick QSL Manager Lookup
Pathfinder Web Client
(Tnx AA6YQ)
AC6V Amateur Radio and DX Reference Guide

Pre-eminent directory of Amateur Radio
on the World Wide Web
Amateur Radio Prefixes

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Azimuthal Bearing Map Generator by NS6T
![NEW [Nov 30, 2018] NEW [Nov 30, 2018]](new2.gif)
Input your location (grid square, latitude/longitude,
or major city) and generates an azimuthal bearing map based on your QTH;
be patient; requires 30 seconds or so to complete
CQ DX Zones of the World -- Written CQ Zone definitions
60 Meters Online
Detailed information on 60m operation and activity
DXCC Entity Tables + Information
FT8 Operating Guide; Work the world on HF using the new digital mode By Gary Hinson ZL2iFB

GMDX Group
Source of the
Island List
Information on
Licensing Abroad for Radio Amateurs by OH2MCN
United States Islands Directory

This is a superlatively organized and presented information resource!
Ham Maps

CQ and
ITU zone maps
w/ underlying entities (click on zone number for a list); also DXCC,
Grid squares, Beam map, and Japanese districts. Very nice indeed
Internet Ham Atlas
Offers maps and extensive information about the DXCC entities
ITU Zone Maps Thanks to Tim, EI8IC
U.S. Counties with Maps
Provided by National Association of Counties, offers
extensive and detailed information about US counties; both counties within a state
and cities within counties are available.
United States Counties (with a link to a
county outline map for each state)
USA Districts (by AC6V)
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AD5Q Propagation Bulletins (August 1995-January 1999)
Although no longer issued, these bulletins
contain many insights into seasonal- and sunspot level-related propagation
ARRL Propagation Forecast Bulletins (May 1995- )
A near real-time grayline map provided
by John Walker, Fourmilab, Switzerland
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Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator
By K2DSL. Google Map based worldwide grid square
locator; determine grid square using an address or call sign (if in qrz.com
database); enter a grid square and it returns a Google map of that square.
hf-radio.org propagation; includes the NW7US Propagation Alert
Introduction to HF Radio Propagation
Transmission Schedule
MUF Map (Solar Terrestrial Dispatch)
Offers a wealth of propagation prediction
information, graphically presented, including: Radio Auroral Zones; MUF contour
lines; Grayline. The map is updated every five minutes.
PSK Reporter
By N1DQ. Google-map implementation of the PSK Reporter
data; see what PSK31 signals are being heard by monitor stations in your area;
call CQ in PSK31 and see which monitoring stations hear you; many other uses;
dynamite application
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VOACAP Quick Guide by OH6BG
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WM7D's Solar Resource Page
Combines antenna modeling and propagation
predictions and lets you automate and animate both.
Programs to Help
NCDXF/IARU Beacon Listeners
VE3SUN DX Monitor
Windows shareware to organize and display data
from the cluster system; incorporates propagation and other information
and is customizable according to user's preferences
425 DX News
DX Code of Conduct
An unmoderated E-mail list (reflector) dedicated
to DX topics; archives are
available to subscribers only
German DX Foundation (GDXF)
ICPO Mailing List
An umoderated mailing list for announcements of island, castle, and portable operations.
Associated Web pages also provide a list of current and archived announcements.
KA9FOX Web Pages
NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Network
Listing of HF DX operations (in French)
The Daily DX
10-10 Awards and their Requirements
The Canada/US AM Station Info Search Page
Search by latitude, longitude, callsign, frequency, state or province, format.

Search AM and FM US/Canada broadcast stations
by callsign, frequency, or location
IRCA Mexican Log

22nd Edition,
2024, International
Radio Club of America; authoritative, detailed, and
up-to-date listing of Mexican AM broadcast
band radio stations, much based on actual monitoring; includes
information concerning transition to FM. Updated to Sep 1, 2024.
FCC Data dot Org
Comprehensive broadcast service database
covering U.S., Canada, Mexico, U.K., Ireland, Australia, Japan; for U.S.
and Canada, includes Amateur Radio license data as well.
FCC Info.com
Search FCC broadcast service (AM FM TV) data using
a large variety of parameters
Searchable Online Directory of North American FM Radio Stations
Covers United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America
and the Caribbean; search by call sign, frequency, city, state/province, country,
and more and by any combination thereof; kudos to WTFDA
(Worldwide TV-FM DX Association)
and editors Mike Bugaj (CT), Bill Hale and James Niven (TX), Jim Thomas (MO),
Fred Nordquist (SC), Les Rayburn (AL)
Rabbit Ears TV Query
Search US TV stations by location, call sign, channel,
and by any combination thereof; output brief or detailed results; kudos to
the Rabbit Ears site which also
provides a staggering array of TX DXing tools (including a
Live Band Scan,
a Google Map display of TV tuners across the US continually scanning
and graphically displaying their reception results )
Jaw-dropping searchable collection of radio
broadcasting memorabilia; contains PDF copies of Radex, White's Radio
Log, FBIS Radio Stations, Jones North American Radio and TV guide, and
many others; QSL collections from old-time veteran AM broadcast band
DXers; much, much more
History of Canadian Broadcasting
Definitive History of AM and FM
and TV broadcasting in Canada; created by the Canadian Communications
Extensive compilation of historical data
on the pioneer radio stations and broadcasting in the US
熊猫加速器_百度百科:熊猫加速器是一款专门针对网络游戏的加速产品,支持各类全球精彩游戏大作,满足千款游戏联机加速需求,减少延迟,还原真实的游戏体验。熊猫加速器PC客户端使用全新的节点智能匹配算法,更稳定可靠的传输通道,针对steam、origin、battlenet、PS和Xbox全球五大游戏联机平台进行优化,有效解决 ...
(By Thomas H. White)
US/Canada TV Database
(By Doug, W9WI)
TV Tropo Ducting Forecast Map
Domestic Broadcasting Survey by the Danish Shortwave Club
Enter a short wave broadcast frequency and
find out what worldwide stations are operating on that frequency
at the current time
Sample Sounds of Digital Modes
Calculate distance between 2 locations by
entering lat/long for each
Commercial Airline
Flight Locater (Real Time!!)
First Class CW Operators' Club
Hard Core DX dot Com
Open Amateur Radio Repeater Page
U.S. Federal Communications Commission
苹果旋风加速器app下载 (N1SNB)
K9GE Android Apps
NG3K usage statistics, (Includes ng3k.com and cpcug.org servers)Analog.
NG3K Longitudinal Statistics (From Dec 1999, includes ng3k.com and cpcug.org servers)
NG3K Top Level Domain Longitudinal Statistics (Covering June 2000+)
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Main site: http://xdlu75.wcbzw.com
Bill Feidt, NG3K Bill@ng3k.com